Friday, February 8, 2008

Cant forget your roots

Everyone knows its Black History Month but this is the first year that I havent been able to take part in my hometown activities. Its so sad, i cant forget my not only Native American but also African-American...All children should know about the important changes that Blacks have done for the American people. Here is a list of some excellent shows that PBS provides in honor of Black History Month...LIST OF PBS BLACK HISTORY PROGRAMS

When I look at programs like these it reminds me how much my family have been through to see me doing something with my life....Heres a clip for the special AFRICAN AMERICAN LIVES 2 aired Feb 6, if u missed it, u can catch it again on the 13th, this special was NOT a bore,wish i could have been one of the people in this show finding out about my ancestors, I really enjoyed watching going to make sure to tape it on the 13th....Heres the clip

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